Currently I am reporting that we are alive and making it count: The marathon is exactly 13 days away... I do my last long run tonight after work... my body is feeling zen and brain is relaxed, there is no dread or stress. This is a welcomed realization of acceptance. We celebrate the dead currently, with Thursday being the anniversary of Josh's mother's passing...we can openly discuss things that have once been with ease at this point...a few tears of course, as time has a settling effect. For the dead's memory of once living is not lost on us....we hold nothing more precious than the life of presence....death has hightlted this profoundly. This morning was dark with a day long rain evaporating into fog...the dogs have been doing yoga, and I have made zinging coffee with bright aromas of waking in anticipation of things to do. It has been darker more than light due to falling back an hour and the tilt of our earth, which leads me to want to do more sofa cuddling, rpg game playing, and early nights to early mornings. We will be visiting Ashely again this December, all three of us, driving down for a few days...we are starting to give that trip weight with plans...shape with what is practicle in terms of our budget and set aside time to make it so with vacation requests...and i am excited for Josh and Noah to get to know Ava. As well as happy for Noah to connect with Storm, and personally to be in Ashley's presence so soon after leaving Missoui just this last October. These are just some of our families blessings I am sharing with you. Mote it be... and be well.
peace and blessings